All testers who are looking to get skilled in testing SaaS and cloud need to get certified on this. Additionally, testers who test web-based applications based on standard interfaces like REST and microservices would highly benefit from taking this course.
Throughout the course, an accredited trainer and software testing expert provides lectures and gives exercises based on real world projects.
Different mock exams ensure an optimal preparation for the real certification exam.
Courses can be given in English or in Dutch. Course material is in English.
The course and the exam are offered in cooperation with our partner Brightest.
The course duration is 3 days.
The exam (optional) is organised at the end of the 3rd day and is a one-hour multiple-choice exam.
Exams are available in English.
This course can be given at the client’s site or at CTG.
€ 1250/person for 3 days. All prices are exclusive of the exam fee, which is subject to change. At the time of publishing the exam fee is € 190 per person. All prices are VAT excluded; course material, lunch and beverages included.
Course Logistics
All classroom courses begin promptly at 9 am and are scheduled until 5 pm.
All courses are organized at the CTG premises in Diegem (Belgium) or can be given at the client site and are available for groups as well. Please contact us if you wish further information.
The standard language of each course is English.
CTG Belgium NV
Culliganlaan 1D
phone: +32 2 720 51 70
fax: +32 2 725 09 20
Buffalo,New York
300 Corporate Parkway
Suite 214N
Amherst, NY 14226
phone: +1 716 882 8000
fax: +1 716 887 7464